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Looking for inspiration?













Find the perfect style and size floor box to suit your current project.

Luxury Retail

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Take a walk around Bond Street and you'll find our bespoke floor boxes in Stella McCartney, Luis Vuitton, Prada, Tiffany, and Cartier stores.

What they all have in common are bold designs for their floor boxes; these include bronzed flat lids, intricate details and satin polished handles.

floor box installed in stone. Cableduct engineered, designed by Burberry.

Hospitality/ Leisure

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For projects with heavy footfall, Cableduct also develop a more standard, sturdy floor box that's available in bulk.

The National Gallery required flush floor trunking systems to feed into multiple floor boxes.


Thankfully, we specialise in both and were happy to be involved with such a prestigious landmark.

Cableduct Minima floor box installed and in use. Stainless steel cable outlet. Contains a large wire in a hidden floor plug sockets.

Education/ Healthcare

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The architects at the Thomas Deacon Academy were very specific with their design. 

The floor boxes were to be functional and practical for heavy footfall, but they also needed to look clean and convey prestigious academia.

We provided a reinforced, functional round box sans branding for a neat handle.

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Residential Properties and Luxury Homes


We pride ourselves on being the focal point where style meets practicality. The Minima floor box is the most discreet way to rid your home of jumbled wires behind the TV, unsightly extension cables and charging phones left abandoned in the corner. 

One residency in Mayfair Park (pictured) wanted just that; a home without unsightly cables and stylish power distributors in more convenient places.

Cableduct Minima floor box installed. Stainless steel cable outlet. Bespoke and jordan bronzed, recessed floor box. Contains 12 discreet floor plug sockets.



Windsor Castle, Buckingham Palace and the Queen's State Apartments are notable projects; of the many castles, palaces and heritage sites that use our floor boxes, our international collaborations with designers in the UAE for various Sheikh's palaces are always a great pleasure for us to do.

Black Circle with Utensils Restaurant Lo
Round, brass floor box with a trim frame
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